Dr. McCants, the author of I Will Achieve™ books is a multi-award-winning author.

The multi-award-winning ingenious author "INSPIRATION FOR GENERATIONS"
Attend Dr. McCants' Inspiring Youth to Make Positive Choices 100-City Empowerment Tour.
Dr. McCants, the author of I Will Achieve™ books is a multi-award-winning author.
Signed in as:
Attend Dr. McCants' Inspiring Youth to Make Positive Choices 100-City Empowerment Tour.
The Solution Provider for Rising Generations Author
McCants humbly refers to herself as a good leader, and she refers to others as great leaders. In a recent exclusive magazine interview, McCants says that she gives credit to her former exceptional professors and superb supervisors in the educational field that effectively trained her how to move students forward.
Dr. LaVern McCants was selected "Editor's Pick" by Celebs Fans Magazine
Dr. McCants was chosen "Author of the Month" and "Selected Author 2021"
In several of Dr. McCants' exclusive interviews she gives credit to people in the field of education. She says, "I am blessed to have had many extraordinary professors and educational leaders that greatly influenced my work." Her work is highly respected. McCants is an attribute to the education industry.
Splash Magazine acknowledges Dr. McCants, as a “Reputed author and educator.” Dr. McCants' books was hand-picked by the editor-in-chief of Splash Magazine. “Dr. McCants, the highly respected author gets a thumbs up for her exceptional guidance through her books."
“Dr. McCants, a woman that changes the world and provides effective guidance in her publications.” -Cosmo Life Magazine
"Dr. LaVern R. McCants is reshaping the future through school improvement and progressive ideas." - Insider Lyfe Magazine
"Dr. LaVern McCants is a success and role model for today's youth." -Grind Success Magazine
“LaVern McCants, the talented, brilliant, and fascinating author has established herself as one of the hardest-working professionals with her latest book, Wise Girl Talk.” -StarCentral Magazine.
"Dr. LaVern McCants is truly an inspiration for many people! In the current era, her books are highly recommended and a must-read for all age groups. She is a major motivating force for youngsters." -Just Fame Magazine
Pro Media Magazine says, "Dr. LaVern McCants is one of the most promising, inspiring, and motivational writers around. Most of her writings focus on the personal and social issues faced by youth. Her writing style, her selection of words, everything about her writing is very unique and inspiring. Wise Girl Talk” has won appreciation from both readers and critics. She has been featured on top-notch news sites and magazines. The top-quality writing and themes of her books have earned her a place on the covers of so many lifestyle magazines.
Apart from being an inspiration for thousands of youngsters because of her writing, she has also become a style icon for girls. She definitely knows how to look gorgeous and stylish. Along with reading her books, I would also recommend my readers to follow her for the latest fashion ideas."
The 4-Time Award-Winning I Will Achieve® author, Dr. LaVern McCants was selected as an "Editor's Pick" by Celebs Fans Magazine. According to Celebs Fans Magazine, " Dr. LaVern McCants is an amazing influential writer for women and youth.
Celebs Fans Magazine says. " Dr. LaVern McCants is a greatly respected author and the author of the books, Single Lady Wise Talk: The Rule-Changer, Wise Girl Talk, and From Boy to Manhood: Every Boy Has an Opportunity to Become a Great Man. McCants provides profound words of wisdom for different populations. Much of her advice is backed by research.
If you have gone through my last post about Dr. LaVern McCants, you can judge by my words, she has definitely impressed me. Her writing style, her method of presenting the issues, her choice of words is amazing. Most of her books are about girls and girlish issues. So I was of the opinion, “Dr. LaVern McCants is a female-oriented writer whose writings are based on her personal life events and what she has observed in her surrounding”. But her recent book for boys has proved me wrong and my opinion has changed about her.
Her abilities and knowledge are not limited to girls and women. She is equally talented with her writings about boys. Dr. LaVern McCants is a deep observer with a natural ability to take out the solution to problems she observes. So she pens down these issues along with their solution and shows the points out the right way to tackle these problems. After going through this book I can predict,
“Dr. LaVern McCants’ Book for Boys, From Boy to Manhood: Every Boy Has an Opportunity to Become a Great Man is Headed Toward a Bestseller.”
It’s one of the most influential and informative books for teenage boys. She has pointed out even meager looking issues faced by growing boys that are usually ignored by other writers. All that makes this book a perfect companion for teenage boys.
Vogue Patio Magazine says, "Dr. LaVern McCants is an "Inspiration for Generations. and an education trailblazer." Dr. LaVern McCants has been selected as "Selected Author of 2021" by Vogue Patio Magazine.
Dr. LaVern McCants. was featured in Vogue Patio Magazine International Women's Day Special Issue and featured as Vogue Patio's Selected Author 2021. Vogue Patio says, "We are proud to present on our cover Dr. LaVern McCants as a selected author of 2021 for her numerous achievements in the field of education and impactful book “Single Lady Wise Talk: The Rule-Changer” that provided a prominent change in the life of many. Dr. LaVern McCants is a reputed author and educator doing life-changing work for women, children, and teenagers. Dr. LaVern McCants’ books have been featured in more than 40 media outlets based in the United States, U.K., France, Italy, Australia, the Netherlands, and other countries worldwide. The most recent book by Dr. LaVern McCants, “Single Lady Wise Talk: The Rule-Changer” was rated "Book of the Year 2021" by OffCover Magazine and "Top Choice Book” by “Cosmo Life” Magazine. Dr. LaVern McCants was named "Author of the Month" by Splash Magazine in January 2021 Issue. In addition to the huge success and an author, Dr. McCants has decades of varied and rewarding experience in the field of education. While an educator, she received nominations for both Who’s Who Among America’s Teachers and The Golden Apple Award. Dr. McCants is a member of two honor societies. She is a member of the invitation-only Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, the nation’s most selective all-discipline collegiate honor society. She is also a member of the Pi Lambda Theta Honor Society. Pi Lambda Theta Honor Society is a prestigious honor society that chooses outstanding pre-service and practicing educators to partake in their honor society. Pi Lambda Theta Honor Society seeks to elevate the profession of education by selecting high achievers that elect education as a career. Those are just a few of her achievements."
Dr. LaVern R. McCants is an all-time superstar.
È passata da educatrice a consulente educativo per cambiare il mondo che guida i giovani in direzioni positive. Il dottor McCants crede nell’aiutare i giovani a prendere la strada giusta e rimanere sulla strada giusta.
Si occupa di molte questioni che i giovani devono affrontare. I suoi libri scritti per i genitori sono anche guide per i giovani.
She has risen from educator to educational consultant to world-changer that guides youth in positive directions. Dr. McCants believes in helping youth get on the right path and remain on the right path. She deals with many issues that youth face.
Her books written for parents are also youth guides.
Alcuni dei suoi libri per i giovani includono genitori diritto alla conoscenza:
Metodi comprovati su come influenzare i giovani a prendere decisioni sagge e responsabili che conducano a promettenti futuri; conversazione da ragazza saggia;
Quello che ogni adolescente deve sapere: scelte che portano a un futuro promettente;
Quello che ogni bambino deve sapere: scelte che portano a promettenti futuri;
Ogni ragazza merita di vivere i suoi sogni e il bullismo si ferma qui.
Some of her books for youth include Parents Right to Know: Proven Methods on How to Influence Youth to Make Wise and Responsible Decisions That Lead to Promising Futures; Wise Girl Talk; What Every Teenager Needs to Know: Choices That Lead to a Promising Future; What Every Child Needs to Know: Choices That Lead to Promising Futures; Every Girl Deserves to Live Her Dreams and Bullying Stops Here.
La dottoressa McCants ha anche un potente libro che cambia le regole per le donne single che è appena arrivato sul mercato il 29 dicembre 2020.
Quel libro si intitola Single Lady Wise Talk: The Rule-Changer. Può essere ordinato su www.singleladywisetalk.com o su Amazon, Barnes & Noble e altri rivenditori di libri.
Ordina libri attualmente sul mercato e preordini su www.lavernmccants.com, singleladywisetalk.com, wisegirltalk.com, Amazon, Barnes & Noble e altri rivenditori di libri in tutto il mondo. I libri possono anche essere acquistati tramite l’editore tramite telefono al 212-NYC-0000.
Dr. McCants also has a powerful rule-changer book for single women that just hit the market on December 29, 2020.
That book is titled Single Lady Wise Talk: The Rule-Changer.
It can be ordered at www.singleladywisetalk.com or on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other booksellers.
Order books presently on the market and pre-orders at www.lavernmccants.com, singleladywisetalk.com, wisegirltalk.com, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other booksellers worldwide.
Books can also be purchased through the publisher via phone at 212-NYC-0000.
Segui la dottoressa sui social media.
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Facebook.com/drlavernmccants & Facebook.com/drlavernmccants.
Twitter su Twitter.com/lavernmccants
Instagram / lavernmccantsofficial.
Follow Dr. LaVern McCants on social media.
She can be followed on Facebook at Facebook.com/lavernmccants & Facebook.com/drlavernmccants.
Follow her on Twitter at Twitter.com/lavernmccants
Writer's Life Magazine says. "Dr. LaVern McCants is a powerful force in both the field of education and as an author." In preparation for her leadership in the field of education, she earned two master’s in education. One of her master's is in education, and the other master's is in educational leadership. Dr. McCants also holds a doctorate degree in the field of education.
McCants graduated in the top percent of her doctoral program, gaining the distinction of highest honors and earning a high level of academic achievement by earning a perfect record of all A grades throughout her doctoral studies at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. McCants earned her doctorate in Education Policy, Organization, and Leadership.
While a student at UIUC, McCants was also nominated by the College of Education to serve on the Office of the Provost advisory board. The Provost Office is one of the highest offices at both large and small universities.
McCants also has decades of varied and rewarding experience in the field of education. While an educator, she received nominations for both Who's Who Among America's Teachers and The Golden Apple Award. Dr. McCants is a member of two honor societies. She is a member of the invitation-only Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, the nation's most selective all-discipline collegiate honor society. She is also a member of the Pi Lambda Theta Honor Society. Pi Lambda Theta Honor Society is a prestigious honor society that chooses outstanding pre-service and practicing educators to partake in their honor society. Pi Lambda Theta Honor Society seeks to elevate the profession of education by selecting high-achievers that elect education as a career.
In addition to her full-time role as an author, McCants is currently a School Improvement Consultant and education expert. While serving in traditional education settings, she worked on the preschool, elementary, junior high, and high school levels in various capacities.
As her roles as an education expert, parent rights, and School Improvement Consultant, Dr. McCants took a strong national and global stance in 2020 with Parents Right to Choose release, whereas she pleaded with parents across the globe not to allow their school-age children to attend in-person learning. She took a fervent stance to promote remote learning. Her message reached parents throughout the United States as well as in some international countries. She stressed how science had proven many high-risk factors for students, their families, and educators. She provided useful data in an effort for parents to recognize the risk factors of in-person learning.
As an author, Dr. McCants has written influential books from various genres, including the powerful rule-changer books for women and girls, titled, Single Lady Wise Talk: The Rule-Changer and Wise Girl Talk. Her passion for writing has also led her to write influential books for teenagers, children, parents, and educators including, but not limited to What Every Teenager Needs to Know: Choices That Lead to a Promising Future, Parents Right to Know: Proven Methods on How to Influence Youth to Make Wise and Responsible Decisions That Lead to Promising Futures, Every Girl Deserves to Live Her Dreams, From Boy to Manhood: Every Boy Has an Opportunity to Become a Great Man, Bullying Stops Here, The Secrets of High-Performing Classrooms, The Secrets of High-Performing Schools and The Essentials to Increase Parental Involvement in Any K-12 School: Knowledge That Every Educator Must Know.
Her influences have led her to features in local, national, and international newspapers and magazines. Dr. McCants is a U.S. citizen, but her voice as an author is currently sweeping the United States and international countries worldwide.
Books written by Dr. McCants can be purchased at www.singleladywisetalk.com, www.lavernmccants.com, www.wisegirltalk.com, www.lavernmccantsbooks.com, on Amazon, from Barnes & Noble and also from booksellers worldwide. Both pre-orders and McCants' books currently on the market can also be purchased through the Publisher via phone at 212-NYC-0000.
Follow Dr. McCants on Facebook at Facebook.com/lavernmccants, on Twitter at Twitter.com/lavernmccants, on Instagram at Instagram.com/lavernmccantsofficial. Visit www.lavernmccants.com, www.singleladywisetalk.com, wisegirltalk.com, and www.lavernmccantsbooks.com for updates on when Dr. McCants is coming to your city.
Dr. McCants will be featured in a100-City Empowerment Tour sponsored by New York Worldwide Publishers® starting in late 2021. Meet her in your city. Also, purchase her new releases now and place pre-orders for upcoming releases at www.lavernmccants.com or via phone at 212-NYC-0000, on Amazon, at Barnes & Noble, and at other booksellers worldwide. "
The iconic Dr. LaVern McCants power books guide youth in positive directions. Her books offer distinctive excellence. According to Heyyo Magazine , "Dr. McCants books are rule-changers. She is one of the limited number of writers who are injecting the positivity and light among young readers and help them avoid any critical situation. "
Read the entire article about the "most legendary author ."
“Dr. McCants is a woman that changes the world and provides effective guidance in her publications.” -Cosmo Life Magazine
Read the exclusive cover story. Dr. LaVern McCants was selected as an "Editor's Pick" from an exclusive interview with Grind Success Magazine. Read the entire interview at An Exclusive Interview with Dr. LaVern McCants, the Highly Recognized Author - Grind Success
Heyyo Magazine says, "Dr. McCants books are rule-changers. She is one of the limited number of writers who are injecting the positivity and light among young readers and help them avoid any critical situation. "
The magazine continues saying, "Dr. McCants' books are coming up with the messages and motivation that bring Positive Changes for Youth. In her books, McCants makes sure to come up with solutions for youth. She steps into the lives of the youth in our society and addresses complicated manners that many boys and girls may encounter.
She addresses vital issues that many boys and girls encounter in her books. This allows them to gain positive direction instead of seeking advice from their peers. She deals with problems, complicated challenges and provides ultimate solutions. In these books, she is providing a progressive solution to these individuals with their lives. Eventually, it turns out best for them to have positivity in life.
Among the great books for teenagers, Dr. LaVern McCants provides Wise Girl Talk for young aspiring single girls. As girls grow into adulthood, we know that dating can often be a complicated matter in their lives. She touches on light issues as well as complex issues such as a girl with a low self-esteem or depressed and considering to make an unwise move. Instead, McCants sends girls down a positive track in her books for teenage girls. She has wise girl talk with girls in her books to ensure that girls do not become emotionally injured or lose their ambitions. Dr. McCants is focused and determined to help young girls make wise choices.
Coming up with wonderful books for children, adults and youth, Dr. McCants is pleased to be focused. She is one of the limited number of writers who are injecting the positivity and light among young readers and help them avoid any critical situation. Dr. McCants discusses positive direction in her books. Suggesting the positive effort and making the best out of critical things with ease is her focus in these books. These books are not just reading material but also support for life that brings every reader motivation to be good. Spreading positive word will eventually help us to make the world a better living place. "
McCants earned national and international power of influence by directing youth in positive directions . Her reference guide for parents provide sound solutions.
Parents Right to Know: Proven Methods on How to Influence Youth to Make Wise and Responsible Decisions That Lead to Promising Futures
Dr. McCants has an amazing heavily researched reference guide for teachers and school administrators will be on the market soon.
LaVern McCants Books
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